I'm creating a project with Hatbox + Apache Derby. To create the database I use the Liquibase Maven plugin to create and spatialize the database tables. The problem I've found is the declaration of the procedure, in the SQL is declared as:
create procedure HATBOX.BUILD_INDEX_PROC (
language java
external name 'net.sourceforge.hatbox.jts.Proc.buildIndexProc'
parameter style java
modifies sql data;
The signature of the method in Java is:
public static void buildIndexProc(String schema, String table, int commitInterval, ProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws SQLException
So Apache Derby is unable to match the proper Java method. I've just created a new method that calls with the default properties:
public static void buildIndexProc(String schema, String table) throws SQLException {
buildIndexProc(schema, table, 0, null);
Add default method for Apache Derby buildIndexProc