
Hannah v2.0 Coming Soon!

Help Hannah's Horse version 2.0 is on its way, sporting some exciting (yeah, right...!) new features:

  • Now compiles against SDL 2.0 instead of 1.2 (Hannah 1.2 is the last SDL 1.2 version)
  • Joystick support! Can be disabled from the command line in the event it misbehaves.
  • New menu system! Options are now selected by scrolling up, down, left and right in a menu rather than being bound to key presses.
  • New powerdown! When Hannah collects the thief she drops coins on empty squares for a short while.
  • New difficulty levels: easy, hard and insane - each has a different boundary for extra lives (5000, 7500, 10000 points) and a varying number of powerpills per level.
  • Windows version is now 64 bit
  • Massive, MASSIVE code tidy-up.

Among the code changes that users won't care about, but that are interesting to me is that I've started using "argp" from the Gnu project to parse command line arguments. It takes the hassle out of having to hand short options, long options and option arguments in the various formats. It also gives you a nice --help message for free.

Posted by Stephen Branley 2020-08-03 Labels: hannah new version SDL2.0 SDL update

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