
Tree [b3794b] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .svn 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S...
 data 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S...
 COPYING.phm 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S...
 FILES.phm 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S...
 README.phm 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S...
 TODO.phm 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [b3794b] Minor improvements.
 hanksmash.6 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [873aa8] 0.87 - Working release, feedback appreciated, S... 2014-05-10 Paul Madore Paul Madore [b3794b] Minor improvements.

Read Me

HankSmash is free software released under the Gnu Public License 3. The entire text of that license is available in COPYING.phm. 

Important: HankSmash is essentially a bambam clone, though over time more features will be added so as to further distinguish it from bambam. Thus it is that credit is due to the following four individuals who developed bambam:

Don Brown
Spike Burch
Marcin Owsiany
Bram Meleman

HankSmash requires PyGame to run. If you do not presently have PyGame and you are on a Debian-based system, run:

sudo apt-get install pygame


1. Unpack HankSmash 
2. Make and hanksmash.6 executable: 
	chmod +x hanksmash.6
3. Launch the game:
	python --uppercase
			[for uppercase letters to be displayed instead of lowercase letters]
		Important: to quit, type out the word
4. Optionally, you can choose to mute some or all of the sound effects in HankSmash. 
	To mute only a specified noise, do
		python --sound_blacklist data/sounds/<filename>.wav
			NOTE: FILES.phm lists all sound and image files included in the data folder, complete with path.
	To mute all noise before the game even starts, do
		python --sound_blacklist *
	If you mute all noises before you begin, you will have to restart the program in order to use ANY noises.
	So, in many cases you may just want to type out
	to make it go silent and then 
	to bring the sound back.

5. When your child or you are done with the program, type out the word
We hope our software has improved your life. Please let us know how it has impacted you. |