
Hamlib 1.1.1 released

hamlib-1.1.1 has been released. This version controls more radios, with an extended API to cover the capabilities commonly found on latest rigs.

Event though it's still alpha, various applications can already make use of it (e.g. band scope, psk31 AFC, doppler compensation, early memory mgmt, etc.)
See <> for details.

The library has been tested against FT747, FT847 (Yaesu CAT) and IC706MkIIG (CI-V) rigs. Backends exists for TS-870S (Kenwood CAT), AR-8200 (AOR), WR-1550 (LiNRADiO) and PCR-1000 (PCR).
Current status can be found at

Plan for 1.1.2:
* Enter every models of supported backends: Icom, Kenwood, AOR, WiNRADiO, PCR
* start support for new backends where doc is available (Alinco, TenTec, ...)
* shared module rework: simpler and better portability among OSes
* extend API as needed
* tcl/tk wrapper, Python? Perl?

Please, test it out and report to
Developers are also invited to join the Hamlib team by subscribing to this
mailing list.

Have fun and let us know!

73's de Frank Singleton (vk3fcs/km5ws)
and Stephane Fillod (f4cfe)

Posted by Stephane Fillod 2001-06-09

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