
PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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  • RaspII

    RaspII - 2021-01-25

    In regard to Squelch:
    I did some more investigations into write and Read squelch via Terminal:

    >Squelch : 05
    >Squelch : 01

    Setting the squelch was done via "F"
    Reading the squelch via "E" (Show system state)

    The 4th Byte (from left) is reflecting the squelch value and correspondends with the value, set via "F" command

  • Florian MAZEN - F4FEZ

    If we update the firmware for interfacing. I can offer you the choice between upgrading the current commands or writing another protocol intended for M2M ?
    As explained by Clauss, doing 32 bits multiplication or divide on an old 8 bits mcu in assembly is possible but complicated and consumme a lot of cpu cycle. Instead I can output the PLL step and you do the computation.

  • RaspII

    RaspII - 2021-02-11

    I now did some modifications within the PRM80xx Firmware to handle channels with shift frequency now. Tested with Terminal works fine.

    I did some more test with the HAMLIB V4.1, for me that looks like your changes for the PRM80 are not included.
    Do you have your changes available on Github so I can check the current implementation for the Squelch?
    I'm wondering because the Squelch is handled within V4.1 correctly (sending an "O" instead of "0" as command to the PRM). I'm still not able to compile the software myself (Windows PC), but I will do some more investigations).

    I also found one behavior which could be an issue.
    The JRX Backend Software is sending a "," instead of an "." for decimal numbers.
    I assume HAMLIB is expecting a ".", but I have a German Windows version so I this is the reason why JRX is using the "comma" as decimal point.

    Do you have any idea?
    73 Claus

    • Michael Black

      Michael Black - 2021-02-11

      Here's a Windows build of the latest.
      I assume the comma problem is dealing with setting levels?
      I put in a patch that should fix that.

      Mike W9MDB

      On Thursday, February 11, 2021, 12:41:53 PM CST, RaspII <> wrote:

      I now did some modifications within the PRM80xx Firmware to handle channels with shift frequency now. Tested with Terminal works fine.

      I did some more test with the HAMLIB V4.1, for me that looks like your changes for the PRM80 are not included.
      Do you have your changes available on Github so I can check the current implementation for the Squelch?
      I'm wondering because the Squelch is handled within V4.1 correctly (sending an "O" instead of "0" as command to the PRM). I'm still not able to compile the software myself (Windows PC), but I will do some more investigations).

      I also found one behavior which could be an issue.
      The JRX Backend Software is sending a "," instead of an "." for decimal numbers.
      I assume HAMLIB is expecting a ".", but I have a German Windows version so I this is the reason why JRX is using the "comma" as decimal point.

      Do you have any idea?
      73 Claus

      PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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  • RaspII

    RaspII - 2021-02-11

    Hello Mike,
    thanks a lot for the patch. Now with this version I can control the volume and squelch of my PRM via JRX as expected. The changes, Stéfan did for the VCO stuff are not included, yet. A merge of both versions will solve nearly all of the issues I had while starting this topic.

    Some features are still missing (e.g. reading RSSI), I will impöement as soon I know how this command should be implemented for HAMLIB
    73 Claus

    • Michael Black

      Michael Black - 2021-02-11

      Where did Stefan post those changes?

      On Thursday, February 11, 2021, 04:38:26 PM CST, RaspII <> wrote:

      Hello Mike,
      thanks a lot for the patch. Now with this version I can control the volume and squelch of my PRM via JRX as expected. The changes, Stéfan did for the VCO stuff are not included, yet. A merge of both versions will solve nearly all of the issues I had while starting this topic.

      Some features are still missing (e.g. reading RSSI), I will impöement as soon I know how this command should be implemented for HAMLIB
      73 Claus

      PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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      • RaspII

        RaspII - 2021-02-11

        I got a link via private mail.
        We have to wait until he is able to spend some time, again.

        73 Claus

        • Michael Black

          Michael Black - 2021-02-12

          If you can send me the link I'll build another version.

          On Thursday, February 11, 2021, 05:13:50 PM CST, RaspII <> wrote:

          I got a link via private mail.
          We have to wait until he is able to spend some time, again.

          73 Claus

          PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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          • RaspII

            RaspII - 2021-02-12

            I only got the link to the binaries.

            73 Claus

            • Michael Black

              Michael Black - 2021-02-12

              Ask him to contact me.

              On Friday, February 12, 2021, 07:43:09 AM CST, RaspII <> wrote:

              I only got the link to the binaries.

              73 Claus

              PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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              • Stéphane Fillod

                Hi Mike, Hi Claus,
                I'm going to send you a pull request. Sorry for missing version 4.1.
                Just need to make a fix regarding the set_level AF (set volume) command, and a cleanup.
                73 Stéphane

  • RaspII

    RaspII - 2021-04-15

    Hi all,
    all my tests done with positive results.
    The onliest questions I still have are:
    when will we have a released HAMLIB version?
    Is there a possibility to mark this topic as "solved"?

    Thanks a lot for your help

    • Michael Black

      Michael Black - 2021-04-15

      4.2 will hopefully be released by the end of the month.
      We're going through testing with several apps and fixing some bugs
      Mike W9MDB

      On Thursday, April 15, 2021, 02:23:16 AM CDT, RaspII <> wrote:

      Hi all,
      all my tests done with positive results.
      The onliest questions I still have are:
      when will we have a released HAMLIB version?
      Is there a possibility to mark this topic as "solved"?

      Thanks a lot for your help

      PRM80xx can not connect to my PRM8020 and PRM8070

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  • Michael Black

    Michael Black - 2021-04-15

    There's no topic marking available people will just have to read that it's testing OK now.
    The issue has been closed on github.
    Mike W9MDB

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