
A new beta to handle DoD IDs and more: 2.50.55

DoD Retail 1.0 brought us new authentication ids of the form VALVE_a:b.
The recentyly released HLDS server update 1.1.1.c has changed the format
again. Valve and Steam ids now look like this: VALVE_x:y:z (Steam ids:
STEAM_x:y:z). We have followed suit and have adpated Admin Mod to be
able to handle these new formats.

In addition, we have also updated the Small core of Admin Mod to version
1.8.4, have made changes to the MySQL version and other minor fixes. If
you'd like to participate in the testing, you can find the beta 2.50.55
on the beta download page[1]. Please keep in mind that this download is
flagged "beta", which means it comes with no installer or examples or
help. You should know how to install Admin Mod by hand if you want to
use it.

To find out if this version has any interesting changes for you, you can
have a look at the accompanying Readme file[2].

Your Admin Mod Team


Posted by Florian Zschocke 2003-06-21

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