
#41 Say command Errors

all (65)

Admin_say generates an error if the string is deemed to be too large.

L 03/20/2001 - 23:22:43: [ADMIN] DEBUG: Match found on command admin_say for plugin E:\games\hlserver\cstrike\dlls\plugin_base.amx / function 20
L 03/20/2001 - 23:22:43: [ADMIN] ERROR: AMX string too large. Max size 100, is 144.
L 03/20/2001 - 23:22:43: [ADMIN] ERROR: Plugin E:\games\hlserver\cstrike\dlls\plugin_base.amx returned error 10 when executing command admin_say

Possibly a sensible restriction but it could be better handled if so and a message of warning for those unfamiliar with admin might be nice. :-)

Admin_csay is still able to crash the users to teh desktop. It should be fairly easy to handle this by introducing a check on the strlen of teh incoming text.


  • Florian Zschocke

    • labels: --> all
    • milestone: --> semantic_bug
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> magua
  • Magua

    Magua - 2001-03-21

    Logged In: YES

    How would you rather have it handled?

    And as far as centersay, fixed already in another bug
    report. A little more complicated than a strlen(), but
    fixed anyways. =P

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Admin_psay does not work if the message strign is longer than 100 chars. I think longer message length woudl be more useful, say 200.

    Admin_gag displays no notification on activation.

    admin_noclip reports being turned on even if 1 or on parameter is missed off, it is not infact on and appears to not work well is several people are attempting to use it at once.

  • Chad Ness

    Chad Ness - 2001-03-28

    Logged In: YES

    admin_noclip and admin_godmode both had that problem - it
    was fixed in another bug report.

  • Chad Ness

    Chad Ness - 2001-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    And I want to second the request for 200 chars - 100 is

  • john mccann

    john mccann - 2001-07-04

    Logged In: YES

    okay folks there is a reason for that they have to limit the
    size some where or the server could be attacked also if you
    have really big things like that ( make the biggest possible
    name) the setinfo information gets screwed up on the server
    this happens to non admin-mod servers asweel.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I Like Admin

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    i ahve found a variation of this bug..using admin_psay with
    a message longer than 192 bytes crashed hlds and causes a
    hlds process restart.


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