



Installing h34dl3ss is easy and pretty straight forward. Upon downloading the release install_h34dl3ss_x.x.tar.gz and extracting the contents you will be left with a "install_h34dl3ss" folder... Probably within your "~/Downloads/" folder. Enter that folder and open a terminal or navigate to the extracted folder via the terminal by entering: cd ~/Downloads/install_h34dl3ss and then enter the following: chmod +x ./ && ./ and the install script will take care of the rest. It is that simple.

The install script places files in the following locations:

$HOME/.h34dl3ss/ - folder containing all h34dl3ss components and scripts
$HOME/.local/share/applications/ - h34dl3ss.desktop entry
$HOME/.local/share/icons/ - h34dl3ss system icon


100% required for h34dl3ss to function simply put. It is not required however that you have: Half-Life 2/Synergy, Minecraft Java Edition, No More Room in Hell, Sven Co-op, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory or Zandronum dedicated servers installed for h34dl3ss to function, that being said they are required for each of those sections to function properly.


[Initial setup & getting started]


Wiki: Home
Wiki: Initial setup & getting started
Wiki: Misc
Wiki: Uninstall