
Roadmap for version 0.1

The following points describe the roadmap for version 0.1 of H-RT:

- Whitted's style raytracing (Whitted integrator)
- Shadow rays
- BRDFs: Ashikhmin-Shirley Anisotropic Phong model (energy conserving)
- Lights: point, area (rectangle)
- Samplers: random, constant, latin hypercube
- Filters: box, triangle
- Camera: simple FOV, position, direction
- Geometry processing: simple brute-force
- Full spectral rendering (discretized light spectrum)
- Shapes: plane, sphere, cylinder, disc

Note that this release won't contain any GUI front end. Image generation will be possible only from C++ code (example will be included).

Planned release date: December 17th 2006

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2006-11-28

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