
H-RayTracer / News: Recent posts

What's new in version 0.2.4

I decided to summarize work that I have done regarding last coding stint of H-RT. Here is the list of significant changes:
- Core: added another type of importance-sampling: Linearly Interpolated Precomputed Importance Sampling (LIPIS)
- Core: added additional variance-filtering
- Core: couple of fixes and tweaks in the HTSG material (critical)
- Core: fixed critical bug regarding PrecomputedImportanceSampler (wrong density)
- Core: added Lambertian material (pure diffuse surface)
- Core: fixed bugs in Cook-Torrance material (critical)... read more

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2012-06-24

Back to development

I decided to get back to development of H-RayTracer in my spare time. Development has moved to the new repository at bitbucket using Mercurial. The full address of the repo is:
The version currently being developed is 0.2.3.

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2012-06-17

Compatibility with GCC

Version 0.2 will be fully compatible with GCC compiler. Also I plan to add eclipse CDT project files to the repository for easier development under non-Windows systems.

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2007-05-25

H-RT on

Today I've added H-RayTracer to the site, so now you can track project directly from

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2007-04-14

Roadmap for the next release (0.2)

Roadmap for version 0.2 of H-RayTracer

The following is the list of things to be done in the next release of H-RT:

- TrueColorCodec – input-output for non-HDR images
- Finally repair physics of lights !!!
- PathTracingIntegrator
- Changes in Shape/AreaLight for light-emiting shapes
- Base interface for textures
- Trivial procedural textures (ie. checkboard)
- New shape: triangle
- New filter: gaussian
- New filter: sinc
- New geomtery: grid
- New light: directional
- New light: environmental
- New BSDF: Cook-Torrance
- Unit tests of the core !!!... read more

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2006-12-17

First release!

Version 0.1.0 of H-RayTracer has been released today. This version includes all the features described in the roadmap + some minor features. See release notes for details.

A roadmap for version 0.2 is now available.

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2006-12-17

Roadmap for version 0.1

The following points describe the roadmap for version 0.1 of H-RT:

- Whitted's style raytracing (Whitted integrator)
- Shadow rays
- BRDFs: Ashikhmin-Shirley Anisotropic Phong model (energy conserving)
- Lights: point, area (rectangle)
- Samplers: random, constant, latin hypercube
- Filters: box, triangle
- Camera: simple FOV, position, direction
- Geometry processing: simple brute-force
- Full spectral rendering (discretized light spectrum)
- Shapes: plane, sphere, cylinder, disc... read more

Posted by Patryk Bajer 2006-11-28