
#16 Hybrid gryfx routines

GS2 7.0

A whole set of routines (and the gs2_gryfx_zonal module) for allowing hybrid interoperation with gryfx. See publications by N. Mandell for more details, but essentially what happens is that gs2 is used to calculate the evolution of the zonal flows within a gryfx calculation. The nonlinear effect of the drift waves on the zonal flows is copied from gryfx to gs2; the zonal flows are involved, with the linear part being calculated by gs2; moments of the new zonal flows are then copied back to gryfx.


Releases: #3


  • Edmund Highcock

    Edmund Highcock - 2016-03-09

    All the code for this feature is basically complete will be included in 7.0. I will leave this ticket open for a while longer while gryfx continues to develop rapidly.

  • Edmund Highcock

    Edmund Highcock - 2018-02-22

    The GS2/gryfx interface has been tested over a huge production run of the CodeRunner/Trinity optimisation framework. I am therefore considering this feature comlete and closing this ticket.

  • Edmund Highcock

    Edmund Highcock - 2018-02-22
    • status: open --> closed