
GXSM 1.30.0 "Meetinghouse Warrior"

Latest code ramblings, Version:

GXSM 1.30.0 "Meetinghouse Warrior"

This is all related to the new MK3-Pro support with added PAC/PLL GUI and controls + direct PLL data interconnections with Gxsm2:

Get excited!
The first version of the Gxsm with embedded PAC/PLL control and hookup into the feedback mixer is going life.

A few screenshots are attached and I highlighted major new settings... also new a life watch for actual/peak DSP load in PanView:

After start up per the default regular feedback (Z) and PAC (all) is OFF.
- press "(Scan) STOP" once at the very first time after DSP cold start. (as usual)
- enable Z feedback (if needed) (as usual)
- to enable PAC (PLL) Processing go to the PAC Control, Operation folder, set the desired Tau and enable PAC processing.
If you got the PanView up you will see a jump up of the DSP load (new indicator on left) what is now doing all the hard work in addition.
... setup PAC Operation, Clipping/Ranges...
- The PAC feedback folder allows you to manually adjust the Sine (Exitation) and Monitor Signals (check Monitoring to enable)
and yes, the two feedback Controllers for Amplitude and Phase are here to adjust.

You can setup the PAC operations and tune the feedback's in. So far watch it on a external scope.
The "Monitor" switch enables monitoring of the resonator/exec signals as numbers.

Further connections:

In Gxsm now you have to setup/name "PIDSrcA2/3/4" to some thing like (example name) PAC1/2/3 (or what ever you like to assign).
Proper units management still pending -- sorry. Gxsm watches so far "raw DSP" numbers here.
The you can select (this maps life!!, even while scanning, any time possible PAC signals to MIX Input channels and the same time to "PAC1..3") the Mixer input sources 2/3/4 (Mix CH1 is fixed assigned for current handling/real time FIIR...). PAC1..3 you can then choose for as scan/image channel source as well...

A so far separate tool for
- tuning
- signal life watching (Scope)
- step response tests

is in preparation.

Posted by Percy Zahl 2012-04-19

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