
GWT - Google Maps API / News: Recent posts

Google Maps GWT API 2.2.1

The Google Maps GWT API should now be considered a full stable release against the GoogleMaps API. So now developers should be able to write 100% Java code using the API without touching JavaScript. With version 2.2.1 we have support for the recently added GDirections API.

June 03, 2007 - 2.2.1

Added GDirections
Added GDirectionsOptions
Added GRoute
Added GStep
Added GTrafficOverlay
Added GPlaceMark
Added GGeocodeStatus
Added GDirectionsDuration
Added GDirectionsDistance (w/ additional sugar to convert from meters)... read more

Posted by aglaforge 2007-06-04

GoogleMaps GWT 1.1.0 Released!

Combining the power of GWT with Google maps to make it stupidly simply to create complex google maps solutions. This fully implemented Google Maps API includes all majors classes, events, and even Google's new Geocoder...all in GWT.

Posted by aglaforge 2006-06-17