
Response code handling

  • Mikhail Gostev

    Mikhail Gostev - 2014-11-26

    I've meet the problem with response code handling. I expect to get it from UploadErrorEvent.getErrorCodeAsInt() but it doesn't work. This method returns some internal error code but I need HTTP error code. I tried to redirect some non 200 http responses to upload success handler, but method Uploader.setHttpSuccess() produces an exception and seems doesn't work at all

    java.lang.ClassCastException: [J cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
    at org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.client.Configurable.convertToJSONValue(
    at org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.client.Configurable.setOption(
    at org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.client.Configurable.setOption(
    at org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.client.Uploader.setOption(
    at org.moxieapps.gwt.uploader.client.Uploader.setHttpSuccess(


    Last edit: Mikhail Gostev 2014-11-26
  • Shawn Quinn

    Shawn Quinn - 2014-11-26

    I'll get a bug in to have someone take a look into that ClassCastException.

    Regarding the error code: it depends a bit on how your server is responding with the error code, but you'll likely find what you're looking for in UploadErrorEvent.getMessage().

  • Mikhail Gostev

    Mikhail Gostev - 2014-11-27

    You are right I do things like this

    if( uploadErrorEvent.getMessage().endsWith(" 403") )

    But it is very unreliable trick as it is based on the undocumented error message format and if you change this format it will ruin my application. Not good. And I see no logic when UploadSuccessEvent provides access to response code but UploadErrorEvent not, although usually there is one reason for success (200) but many different for errors (403,404,...).


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