
GWT highcharts in MVN repo

  • Shawn Quinn

    Shawn Quinn - 2012-01-04

    I haven't researched how to get SourceForge to publish the artifacts in a maven repository yet (let me know if anyone has any pointers!). In the meantime, you can use a command like the following to install to your local maven repository (put the binary and source jar in the directory that you're going run the command from first):

    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.moxieapps.gwt -DartifactId=org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts -Dversion=1.1.3 -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true -Dfile=org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts-1.1.3.jar -Dsources=org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts-1.1.3-sources.jar

    You could then add it as a dependency in your project's pom.xml like so:


    Hope that helps,

  • Kylin Soong

    Kylin Soong - 2016-08-18

    Hi Shawn
    How about this goes on, I still can not find gwt highcharts from mvn repository?



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