
Highcharts Activity Gauge

  • jan10101

    jan10101 - 2017-01-03

    Hey Guys,

    is there a way to get the Activity Gauge working in GWT? Seems to be not implemented yet by GWT Highcharts.

    Is there a way to set the type manually without the enum type or another workaround?

    I tried to modify this code for the solid gauge, but did not get it working:

    Chart chart = new Chart()
                    .setPane(new Pane()
                        .setCenter("50%", "50%")
                        .setBackground(new PaneBackground()
                            .setOption("shape", "arc")
                    .setSeriesPlotOptions(new SeriesPlotOptions()
                        .setDataLabels(new DataLabels()
                            .setFormat("<div style=\"text-align:center\"><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:#000\">{y}</span><br/><span style=\"font-size:12px;color:silver\">reads/sec</span></div>")
                    .setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0)
                    //.setSize(200, 150)
                    .setToolTip(new ToolTip()
                    .setCredits(new Credits()
                    .setExporting(new Exporting()
                JSONArray stops = new JSONArray();
                addStop(stops, 0, 0.1, "#55BF3B"); // green
                addStop(stops, 1, 0.5, "#DDDF0D"); // yellow
                addStop(stops, 2, 0.9, "#DF5353"); // red
                    .setOption("stops", stops)
                    .setAxisTitle(new AxisTitle()
                        .setStyle(new org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Style()
                        .setOption("y", -70)
                    .setLabels(new YAxisLabels()
                        .setOption("y", 16)
                 Series mySeries = chart.createSeries();
                return chart;

    Best regards


    Last edit: jan10101 2017-01-03
  • Shawn Quinn

    Shawn Quinn - 2017-01-03

    Am running between things today so I'm not able to debug your example right now, but I'd expect GWT Highcharts could support that chart type since it's just a variant of a "solid gauge" type. Here's a quick working "solid gauge" example chart that I'm copying/pasting from elsewhere in hopes that it's of help to you:

    final Chart chart = new Chart()
            .setPane(new Pane()
                    .setCenter("50%", "50%")
                    .setBackground(new PaneBackground()
                            .setOption("shape", "arc")
    chart.setGaugePlotOptions(new GaugePlotOptions()
            .setDataLabels(new DataLabels()
                    .setFormat("{point.y} km/h")
                    new Pivot()
                    new Dial()
    // Primary axis
            .setAxisTitle(new AxisTitle()
            .setLabels(new YAxisLabels()
    chart.setSolidGaugePlotOptions(new SolidGaugePlotOptions()
        .setDataLabels(new DataLabels()
    final Series series = chart.createSeries();
            .setName("Random speed")
    final Timer tempTimer = new Timer() {
        public void run() {
            long inc = Math.round((Random.nextDouble() - .5) * 20);
            long cur = series.getPoints()[0].getY().longValue();
                    .update(cur + inc);
    • jan10101

      jan10101 - 2017-01-03

      Thanks for reply!

      The solid gauge works for me. But I have no idea what I have to change to make it a activity gauge. The activity gauge has the same type "solidgauge", not sure what makes the difference ^^


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