
Google Weather Parser Library for .NET / News: Recent posts

Some progress on 0.02B

So far I added an error checking routine. Also now the library can either use a zip code OR a city/state string (example: New York, NY) to pull data from Google's Weather API. If the location doesn't it exist I've also built-in an error functioning routine that causes the function Initialize to return a -1 (meaning init failed).

Other work is pulling icon locations from the weather API. Nice huh?

Posted by Matthew 2008-11-27

Website & Release of 0.0.1B

I've added a website up at for the project. It will contain the project forums!

I've also released version 0.0.1B today. It can pull data using a zip code you specify from Google Weather. It can currently pull current conditions, temps (f/c), and when the info was posted. It is fairly fast and while the readme notes are sparse there is quite a bit of documentation in the source code.

Posted by Matthew 2008-11-23