
Graph with different node size

  • yinglcs

    yinglcs - 2003-03-15

    I am trying to use the layout algorithm in GVF for my own graph. I only need to layout algoritm to calculate the co-ordinates of each node in the graph and I will display them myself. 

    So I subclass the layout algorithm in GVF and over load the getSize() method so that it can take into the account of different node sizes in my graph, instead of create a NodeSize() with defaultSize.

    And I check the ReingoldTilford algorithm in GVF, it does call getWidth() and getHeight() to account to different node size during layout.

    But after I did this, there are still overlap in the graph hort. and the y-coordinate never get adjust (it always return 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, but the height is 69, 35, 30).

    Could you please tell me what did I miss?

    public class MyReingoldTilford extends ReingoldTilford {
        public NodeSize getSize(Node node, Graph graph) {
            NodeSize nodeSize = (NodeSize)sizeMap.get(node, graph);
            if (nodeSize == null) {     
              if (node instanceof MyLayoutNode) {
                MyLayoutNode myNode = (MyLayoutNode) node;
                nodeSize = new NodeSize(myNode.getSize().width, myNode.getSize().height);
              } else {
              nodeSize = new NodeSize(getDefaultNodeSize(), getDefaultNodeSize());
              sizeMap.put(node, graph, nodeSize);
            return nodeSize;

    • yinglcs

      yinglcs - 2003-03-16

      Here is what I do to build the graph:
      1. I create a source node and a target node (target Node of the src node). and Mynode is just a child class of the node
      2. I add targetNode as the successor of the srcNode
      3. I create an edge for the connection between sourceNode and targetNode.
      4. I add both nodes to the graph.

      Do I miss something? I see there are over-lapping in the graph.

      // Inside a loop
      MyNode srcNode = new MyNode();
      MyNode targetNode = new MyNode();

      srcNode.addSuccessor(targetNode, graph);
      royere.cwi.structure.Edge edge = new royere.cwi.structure.Edge(srcNode, targetNode);
          edge.setProperty(Keys.ISDIRECTED, Boolean.TRUE);

      srcNode.addOutgoingEdge(edge, graph);


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