Artur Matos - 2002-10-29


First of all sorry for posting this (eventually obvious)
questions to the forum, but I am a complete
newbie to Royere. I am currently evaluating some
opensource graph layout packages, and I would
like to know if Royere could do the job for me.

I have tried the samples and screened lightly the
docs, but I don't see any example on how to integrate
the royere view into an application. For my specific application, I would need to put a customized
Royere view/editor (if possible with a different
drawing for the vertices) into my application. If this
is possible, can someone give me some directions
on how to do this?

Other question I have is concerning the application data. In my application, the data is maintaned in
a separate data structure. Is it possible to interface
it with royere? Should I use Royere's graph class
instead? Sorry if  the questions sound
obvious, but I cannot find the answers I need in
the docs.

Thanks in advance,

Artur Matos.