
Re-coding and fixing a few bugs

I spent most of the night recoding alot of the GVD. I orinally made it as a throw-away type deal and it really reflected in my code. It now looks alot nicer. Another by-product of this re-coding is the GUI is now ready to support muiltple similtanious downloads. All i need to work out is how i want to display them! This is a good thing because i really dont like the way IE handles downloads and ive found i am just spawning a heep of instances of GVD as a solution.

In other news ive added the video's filename to the download dialog box. This was a complaint from a few of my test users, as they did not know the file extension of the download.

Lastly i have tried my best to figure out a way to determine the length of the movie so the downloader can show the progress correctly. Alas google does not want to share this information in any HTTP headers and after studing the .FLV file format, i cannot seem to find it encoded anywhere. All i can find is the duration of the movie, which isnt of particular use. The only thing i can do from this information is estimate a final size - is this better then nothing though?

Posted by Jonathan 2006-03-18

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