I was asked to give a helping hand for building Guymager under OpenSuse and the software it depends upon. As I am usually working with Debian or Ubuntu, I had to learn myself how to do it under OpenSuse.
This article is the result of my tests. I'm not sure if I did it the way it should be done under OpenSuse. Feel free to correct anything you like while you go through this little workshop.
sudo zypper install gcc-c++ subversion zlib-devel libqt4-devel parted-devel udisks
Create working directory and get the source code:
mkdir workshop cd workshop svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/guymager/code/ guymager-code svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/libguytools/code/ libguytools-code wget http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/libewf/libewf-20100226.tar.gz/a697d629bb74df1fa68f22658634fdb9/libewf-20100226.tar.gz tar xvzf libewf-20100226.tar.gz
We also could have used the libewf package contained in OpenSuse, libewf-devel. It would have been the correct way to follow. However, in order to be complete and to follow the instructions on the Guymager homepage we choose the hard way in this workshop ;)
We now have everything ready to build/install the two libs and the main program.
Compile and install libewf the classical way with configure/make/install:
cd libewf-20100226 ./configure make -j4 sudo make install cd -
cd libguytools-code/tags/tools-2.0.3/ ./create_version_file.sh qmake trunk.pro make qmake toolsstatic.pro make
sudo cp lib/libguytools.a /usr/local/lib64/ sudo cp include/* /usr/local/include/ cd -
cd guymager-code/tags/guymager-0.7.4 kwrite guymager.pro
#LIBS += -lewf #LIBS += -lguytools #LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libewf.a #LIBS += /usr/lib/libewf.a #LIBS += /usr/lib/libguytools.a LIBS += /usr/local/lib64/libewf.a LIBS += /usr/local/lib64/libguytools.a LIBS += -lz LIBS += -ldl
qmake make -j4
Guymager should now be ready to run. But first, let's put its configuration and executable files to the default locations:
sudo mkdir /etc/guymager sudo cp guymager.cfg /etc/guymager/ sudo cp guymager /usr/local/bin/
Start it:
kdesu guymager