
Tree [9e67f5] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2018-07-17 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [f10850] initial project version
 bin 2018-07-18 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [9e67f5] small
 src 2018-07-18 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [9e67f5] small
 .classpath 2018-07-17 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [f10850] initial project version
 .project 2018-07-17 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [f10850] initial project version
 Readme.txt 2018-07-17 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [c1a34e] Initial commit
 sicherheit.dat 2018-07-18 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [9e67f5] small
 text.txt 2018-07-17 Dietmar Heiden Dietmar Heiden [f10850] initial project version

Read Me

This program is intended to put together text from text modules. In oral examinations, one must indicate the main considerations in the assessment. There are already pre-formulated sentences that have the advantage that they are legally correct and fit the grade that you want to give the candidate. You can also modify these phrases and add your own phrases. At the end, the product is saved as a text file and added to the exam protocol. So no logist need write more by hand.
Of course you can also use this program in other situations where it is useful to work with text modules. All you need is a text file with the desired text modules.