
#67 Extensions to Export of WS-Pgrade workflow to SHIWA Repository - to enable ER-Flow style black box embedded workflows


I have just had a meeting with Peter regarding ER-Flow and gUSE workflows.

Peter asked me to communicate with the portal developer team, my requests for the additional details, which if it were able to be uploaded to the SHIWA Repository, on Exporting gUSE workflows from the WS-PGrade portal to the SHIWA Repository – it would enable ER-Flow style black box embedded workflow submissions of WS-PGRADE workflows.

I am working based on the description of the remoteapi, as is in the sourceforge

The 4 requirements to be included in the WS-Pgrade workflow Export to SHIWA Repository are:
1. Executables of each job in the workflow should be uploaded to the Repository, as Implementation>Files (note, executable cannot all be named execute.bin, they should have the job name concatenated into the filename)
2. A portmapping.txt file should be composed (based on the format in the sourceforge documentation);
- to map each uploaded executable to the respective job,
- and to map each of the input files (named as they are in the Workflow>Files), to the respective job’s port – based on the information in Workflow>Attributes.
3. This portmapping.txt file should then be uploaded to the Repository, as an Implementation>Files.
4. To add to the Workflow>Attributes>dataset an entry for each of the output files’ ports – but the dataset entry should be set to the value of the name of respective output file (as can be investigated in the workflow.xml)


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