
Possible CPU increase from 0.39 to 0.41

  • Aaron Walker

    Aaron Walker - 2020-10-19

    Hi all, happy guitarix user. I'm running on Ubuntu Studio 20.04, and upgraded from 0.39 to 0.41 recently (all using the packages provided by Studio), and based just on my eyeball, it seems like some part of guitarix has roughly doubled its CPU usage. I would be happy to try to revert on my machine to document it properly (or walk back my claim), but I'm afraid of losing my setup/config if I revert :P

    If you want me to do that, would I uninstall 41, and then install 39? Not sure what all gets wiped out when you run all the apt commands.


  • Aaron Walker

    Aaron Walker - 2020-10-22

    Well, I will walk that back a bit, as at this moment, the cpu usage currently seems on par with past expectations. Although I don't know what's changed. Often I'll just look at the "DSP Load" output on the Jack audio connection kit, and with a certain guitarix patch, where normally I would see something around 20%, now I was seeing something in the 40s. When look at top, it seemed that it was Guitarix processes at the top, using the cpu: hence my original assertions. I'm not in a much better place, as the problem is not currently happening, but is apparently intermittent. It's never perfect :) I would be hard pressed to base it on a difference between releases, though. Thanks!

  • Aaron Walker

    Aaron Walker - 2020-10-23

    Ah, figured it out. It was the difference between running the cpus in performance mode vs. powersave. Interesting.

  • brummer

    brummer - 2020-10-25

    Good to hear that you could solve it.



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