
Trouble finding lv2 plugin

  • Aaron Walker

    Aaron Walker - 2020-10-24

    Hi. Within Guitarix, I'm trying to demo Auburn Sounds' Graillon pitch changing lv2 plugin ( I put it in my .lv2 directory, and I can't get Guitarix to find it, and I see no errors in the log related to it. Ardour had no trouble accessing and using the plugin. I tried putting it in /usr/lib/lv2/ as well. No luck. One thing interesting about this plugin is that it comes only with the shared lib (so file) and manifest.ttl (while I noticed that most other lv2 plugins come with an additional ttl file).

    Am I doing anything wrong? By the way, using Guitarix 0.41 on Ubuntu Studio.


  • brummer

    brummer - 2020-10-25

    It may be that Auburn Sounds' Graillon requier a LV2 feature that guitarix didn't support. Then guitarix wouldn't show the plug in the list.

  • brummer

    brummer - 2020-10-25

    So I gone check Graillon out and found the issue. Graillon use Atom ports for MIDI in and don't mark them as lv2:connectionOptional. When you edit the manifest.ttl and add
    lv2:portProperty lv2:connectionOptional ;
    to all ports been marked as
    lv2:InputPort, atom:AtomPort ;
    they work in guitarix.

    I've forward the issue to Auburn.


    Last edit: brummer 2020-10-25
  • Aaron Walker

    Aaron Walker - 2020-10-25

    Awesome! Works great! Thanks for the quick response!



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