
GMS - Guild Management System / News: Recent posts

It's been a while

Ok, so I've been busy pluggin away for a while now, but we've come up against something of a problem. Although we were getting quite close to release time, it was recently discovered that a module we depended upon has been removed from CPAN. Because of this, the programs all need to be adapted to our new storage system, XML.

While it does mean a greater delay, I hope it will not be too great, and in the long run, it may help us.... read more

Posted by Stephen 2002-06-20

Searching for Developers

Well, this is taking too long alone, so I'm now searching for programmers interested in assisting me in this endevor. If you're interested, feel free to contact me.

Posted by Stephen 2002-05-08

GMS Modules Updated

Well, the site itself is still down, but I've released an update to the GMS Module Checker. It's a minor thing, just added a single module.

Things are starting to speed up again.

Posted by Stephen 2002-04-10


Sorry for the long time with no updates or news whatsoever, there have been a few problems with my computer which have kept me occupied for the past several weeks (hard drive failure). Anyway, I'm gearing up to start working again, so hopefully you'll all hear more about GMS soon.

Posted by Stephen 2002-04-06

Moving to SourceForge

For now, at least, GMS is moving to SourceForge. This is a big change for us, so I ask that anyone who happens to see the page before it's been modified completely, be patient.

There is a slight chance that in the future we will become a multi-server project; hosted both here at SourceForge and at our old location,

Time will tell. We are still looking for programmers, if anyone's interested, please contact me through sourceforge (either email, or go through my personal page.)... read more

Posted by Stephen 2002-03-10