
#128 Spellcheck Dictionary Select broken


What is happening:

Went to Menu=>Preferences=>Processing=>Spellcheck Dictionary Select...

Double clicked on "fr". "fr" appears as the current dictionary.

Clicked Close.

Pressed F7.

The Current Dictionary (spell check) window initially opens displaying "fr" as the current dictionary in the top status bar.

After about one second without my doing anything the Current Dictionary defaults to "en".

Apparently it does not matter what Spell check Dictionary is selected. The Spell check Dictionary always defaults to the Project Language.

Steps for setting Project Language:

File=>Project=>Set Project Language...

Set language input box appears.

Enter the language code for the desired language. (Should agree with language code of an installed Aspell dictionary for the Spell check to work.)

Click close.

This entry will override any spell check settings.



  • hannne

    hannne - 2016-07-16

    Most of the time I think it makes sense that you'll spellcheck using the project language and don't want to have to set the spellcheck language separately. Is this for a multi-language project? Could you set the project language to French while you're spellchecking, and then back to English again when you're done? This would be a workaround for multi-language projects...

    The long-term solution would probably be that the spellcheck language is changed when the project language is changed, and can then be changed independently after that.

  • Richard Tonsing

    Richard Tonsing - 2016-07-16

    I think when I wrote this I wanted to spellcheck a specific French passage within an English document. It was quite confusing when the dictionary primary language selection didn't work until I discovered the somewhat hidden project language selection.

    My feeling is that the dictionary primary language selection should be scrapped. Also the project language selection (with a comment that it also selects the dictionary) should be featured in the preferences instead of being somewhat hidden in the file settings area. Perhaps it could be accessed both ways.

    My second choice would be "that the spellcheck language is changed when the project language is changed, and can then be changed independently after that."



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