
Guido-0.03 Released

I just noticed that I forgot to post a news item about our small bug fix release to the news items! Here's the message I posted to the mailing list earlier this week:

The installer has been updated, to make it compatible with perl 5.005+ It
also installs its own dependencies now, in addition to those of Guido.

This release of Guido is mainly to fix a few oversights in the previous
release that prevented several users from starting it up. Hopefully, we're
getting even closer to usability.

In addition, configuration files should be relocatable to an extent, allowing
the user to place them in a .guido directory in their home dir on Unix
systems (sorry, no windows equivalent yet, but soon).

Support requests and bugs can be reported via the project page.

I hope it works for you!


Posted by James Tillman 2001-10-06

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