Just wanted to announce that the multi-user changes that were discussed
about a month ago have been checked into CVS.
Brief summary of new features:
There is a new globalsettings.php file which contains global settings for
the server address, port, history file, cache directory, and no debug list.
These global values can be overridden in a localsettings.ini file. The
localsettings.php file is being deprecated.
There are 3 new optional input parameters: username, path to
localsettings.ini file, and port. These 3 parameters can be used to override
global settings but these parameters are only available when the
corresponding option is enabled in globalsettings.php.
The primary goal of these changes is to allow a single Gubed installation to
be shared by multiple users and to allow a single user to run simultaneous
debug sessions.
Please let me know if you have any comments or encounter any issues.