Hi all!
First, thank you for nice debugger!
I installed it yesterday (SuSE 10, Quanta 3.4.2, Gubed from
GubedQuanta3_4.tar.gz package and PHP Version 5.0.4) and I have found a
following problem...
Debugger works good until it reaches code like this:
class TAuthenticate
public $FDBDSN;
public $FDBTableName;
public $FDBIDField;
and says
Gubed: Syntax or parse error in ....
I have found that keywords:
public, protected, private (introduced first in PHP5)
are not recognised as valid commands.
When I comment them
// public $FDBDSN;
// public $FDBTableName;
// public $FDBIDField;
No syntax error is thrown from Gubed
Is there a way to tell Gubed that these keywords are valid while it parses a
file and checks a syntax?
Thank you in advance!
Dukanac Uros
=== Fortune =====
Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall,
Aleph-null bottles of beer,
You take one down, and pass it around,
Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall.