
guanxiCRM Business Solution / News: Recent posts

guanxiCRM is going to integrate Xoops Content Portal

We are currently trying to make guanxiCRM's Sales Automation modules running in Xoops CMS environment. Many feed backs we received confirmed the fact that the integration of Xoops CMS with guanxiCRM is interesting for entreprises.

We have recently released a helpdesk module for Xoops (zenTackXoops), Xoops version of guanxiCRM could take advantage of efforts from other OpenSource communities.

Posted by WANG Jue 2003-05-17

guanxiCRM to become the most popular CRM in China

SourceForge( statistics show that guanxiCRM ( were downloaded 1500 times since this CRM package was released only 3 weeks ago. Specifically designed for enterprises doing business in China, guanxiCRM is currently the only professional Customer Relationship Management package capable to dealing with the Chinese notions of "Guanxi" (~Relation) and "Mianzi" (~the Face). ... read more

Posted by WANG Jue 2003-04-13

guanxiCRM demo site is online

We have set up a demo site where you can play with guanxiCRM Business Solution at , use demo/guanxicrm as username/password pair for login. You will able to do everything except administration.

Posted by WANG Jue 2003-04-12

guanxiCRM Business Solution 0.9.1 released

guanxiCRM Business Solution is a CRM package specifically designed for enterprises doing business in Greater China environment. This version is a minor maintainance release that fixed couples of html file errors and our Logo has been redesigned. Since the first release of guanxiCRM 10 days ago we have currently 560 copies downloaded. (home site\)

Posted by WANG Jue 2003-04-01

guanxiCRM as Application Service Provider business basis

A commercial project offering a real competitive Online Service CRM based on guanxiCRM is launched today, the aim of this project is to build a professional Online Service CRM to compete with and alike in Greater China and Asian market. Contact:

Posted by WANG Jue 2003-03-30