
Guacamole 0.9.3 RPM for RHEL 6

  • Kurt Westerfeld

    Kurt Westerfeld - 2014-11-25

    I found the EPEL source for RHEL 6 installation, but it has the older 0.8.X guacd. I'm wondering if there is a source for a RHEL RPM with prebuilt binaries for guacd 0.9.3? If not, how would I build the RPM? I can build the guacd from source, have done it, but feel more comfortable with a semi-official build.


  • admkazuya

    admkazuya - 2014-11-28

    Hi, Kurt

    In this time, if u wanna 0.9.3, I think we have to build from source to gucad.
    But u can use guacamole.war from offcial site.
    I used this one, and I made it. no need to build from source.
