
Guacamole inside .net framework web browser control (no KB/mouse)

  • Geoff Nordli

    Geoff Nordli - 2014-11-12

    We are trying to get gaucamole to run inside a .net framework browser control, but the KB/Mouse isn't working.

    It is a Windows 7 desktop with IE11.

    We are using the latest build of Guacamole.

    It is making the connection.

    I can see the desktop.

    It seems to take several seconds before screen updates show up, which seems to indicate that the xmlhttprequest isn't being setup or some other issues.

    The FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION is set. We see the user agent as: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

    Any ideas?



  • admkazuya

    admkazuya - 2014-11-28

    Hi, Geoff

    Any case of this, we have to fix HTTPD(apache, nginx etc.) Flush buffer's settings
    Exanple of Apache's case, u can see official document.

    In my case, I used nginx to reverse proxy and i must write "proxy_buffering off;" settings.

    When I get wise this settings, I can see remote desktop, but no mouse and no key.
