Overview of changes in Gtk3 0.028 [2016-06-30]: Gtk3::Dialog, Gtk3::InfoBar: correctly pass user data to 'response' handlers (Maximilian Lika); Test for correct error location reports; Gtk3::Clipboard::set_text: make length arg optional; Add an implementation of Gtk3::StyleContext::get; Mention that Gtk3::Widget::grab_add and grab_remove are methods in Gtk3. Gtk3 is available via CPAN, or as a tarball from Sourceforge http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gtk2-perl/Gtk3-0.028.tar.gz (http://bit.ly/29dHwVQ), or view the source in the Gtk3-Perl git repo http://git.gnome.org/browse/perl-Gtk3/tag/?id=v0.028 (http://bit.ly/29dHsFD).