
Tree [r5] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 config 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 m4 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 src 2010-05-29 blimbo [r5] Params should now fit in frame
 AUTHORS 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 COPYING 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 ChangeLog 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 INSTALL 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit 2010-05-29 blimbo [r5] Params should now fit in frame
 NEWS 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 README 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 aclocal.m4 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 autoscan.log 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit
 configure 2010-05-29 blimbo [r5] Params should now fit in frame 2009-06-08 blimbo [r1] First commit

Read Me

To compile and install

- Install wxWdigets and gPhoto2 development libraries.
- Always use the latest gPhoto2 library!
- I used these versions:
	libgphoto2 2.4.5

- Run './configure'
- Run 'make'
- Run 'sudo make install'

To run

- Run 'gtimelapse'
- Make sure your camera is in the correct mode (e.g. normal/PTP etc):
- When you've captured your images you can make a video
  using the 'make_vid' script in the src directory (requires
To do

- Refactor code so camera settings are determined whenever 'detect
  camera' is selected, not just at startup.
- Fix camera settings tab - sliding window when there are too many
  setting to fit on the tab.  