
Tree [f96a85] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 images 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring
 lib 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring
 scripts 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring
 translations 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring
 zips 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring
 .gitignore 2021-09-30 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [f96a85] Extended .gitignore 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring 2020-11-29 Henk van den Akker Henk van den Akker [84f676] V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring

Read Me


Upgrade information

If you upgrade from v0.7.6 or smaller to v0.7.7 or greater, you need to uninstall the older version first (Tools > Add-ons > Add-ons > Uninstall) and then install the newer version. If not, you will have both versions installed in Freeplane. If so, it is best to uninstall both and then install the newer version. Alternatively you can manually remove the older version:

  1. Open your Freeplane user directory: Tools > Open user directory
  2. Close Freeplane
  3. Change to directory addons
  4. Remove file gtdSyncWithTodoTxt.script.xml
  5. Remove directory gtdSyncWithTodoTxt and all its subdirectories
  6. Change to directory src in the Freeplane user directory
  7. Remove files .classpath and .project
  8. Remove directories .settings and gtdSync
  9. Change to directory resources/images in the Freeplane user directory
  10. Remove gtdSyncWithTodoTxt.png and gtdSyncWithTodoTxt-icon.png
  11. Start Freeplane and check that now only one version is installed.

Compatible Freeplane version

I will test a new release of GTD Sync against the most recent release of Freeplane during the period of developing the new release of GTD Sync. I will define that Freeplane release as the oldest compatible one, since I do not have time to test it against older versions of Freeplane. This means you cannot install GTD Sync on older Freeplane version. If you must use an older Freeplane version you can do the following: Open the GTD Sync installation mind map without installing it and change attribute freeplaneVersionFrom in the root node to the desired Freeplane version. Then install it and test if it is working with the older version Freeplane. Please note that you cannot change to lower minor Freeplane version, e.g. if the oldest compatible release is 1.8.x you cannot change it to 1.7.x or lower. The alternative is to use an older version of GTD Sync.

Quick start

Press Shift+F1 after installation.


V0.7.7: Bug fixes and refactoring

  • Task #38: Rename to GTD Sync / gtdsync
  • Bug #34: GTD Sync overwrites new use of F5 key for Freeplane presentations
  • Bug #44: GTD Sync overwrites new use of Ctrl+F1 key for Command search
  • Bug #25: Cancelled GTD Sync on wrong mind map leaves language attribute in root node
  • Bug #39: Script error when opening GTD Sync Help: quick start
  • Bug #52: Button to open Freeplane log does not work
  • Bug #53: Button to open Freeplane log not readable
  • Bug #54: Wrap text in button to open Freeplane log

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.8.9

V0.7.6: Bug fix

  • Bug #26: Illegal access to method in Freeplane 1.5.20

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.5.20

V0.7.5: Bug fixes

  • Bug #24: "Cannot cast object" bug in Freeplane 1.5.11. Reported by Aleksandr Sazhin.
  • Upgrade to Freeplane 1.5.13

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.5.13

V0.7.4: Enhancements

  • Feature #9: Possibility to add e-mail addresses to next actions
  • Feature #6: Automatically change project name from todo.txt file
  • Feature #21: Change shortcut key for GTD Sync Help from Alt+F1 to Ctrl+F1
  • Improved some logging messages

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.3.11

V0.7.3: Bug fixes

  • Bug #15: Error when accessing the Freeplane log file via the button on the GTD Sync results screen. Reported by Evereasy.

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.3.11

V0.7.2: Bug fixes

  • Bug #13: GTD Sync not working in Linux and Mac. Thanks to Steve to point out the solution!
  • Bug #12: Some images do not show in Quick start mind map. Fixed by Evereasy. Thanks!

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.3.11

V0.7.1: Bug fixes and minor changes

  • Feature #1: Option to remove node attributes in "Project" function
  • Bug #11: Error occurs when next action has child node and caused deletion of todo.txt file.

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.3.11

V0.7: Beta release

  • Feature #3: Added customisable icon for done.
  • Feature #5: Added check whether current language matches language of GTD mind map to the 4 functions: GTD Sync, Project, Next action and Completed.
  • Added script to convert keywords in GTD mind map from translation in mind map to current translation used by GTD Sync
  • Feature #4: Added quick start help in English and Dutch
  • Feature #2: Added function to call help file (adapted from scriptlib add-on by Jokro)
  • Moved extended help from original help mind map to SourceForge wiki

Oldest compatible Freeplane version: 1.3.11