
What about shortcut keys?

Wish List
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello there!

    I am just starting to get used to GTD-Free and up to now it is a nice little productivity helper.

    I am just wondering, if there are any shortcut keys to improve usabilltity (i. e. pressing 1-3 when an item is selected to give it 1-3 prio stars, hotkeys for assigning today's date to items, ...)?

    Or is there a a post or a manual I haven't found yet, where shortcut keys are already documented?

    Another idea would be to be able to select multiple items (i. e. to assign them to the same project w/ single click).

    Again: Thanks for this software and please keep up the good work!

    • Ike

      Ike - 2009-01-22

      I am not agile hotkeys user, so I might be not paying enough attention to this.
      I have tried to organize focus transition (tab and tab+ctrl) but that's all.
      If you have ideas what hotkeys/shortcuts you would found useful, let me know. It's not big deal to add them.

      Regards, Ike

    • Warrick Wynne

      Warrick Wynne - 2009-02-11

      I agree, they would be a good idea. Moving between the panels, multiple selecting, having a key for queue, resolve, delete, (q, r, d) would make processing much quicker

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-05-11

    Right now I have to do a triple-click in order to set Priority with the mouse (only way it works for me). Could you please add Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2, Ctrl+3 for 1, 2 and 3 stars respectively ? It would really speed things up a lot :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-11-25

    Is an old post, but i think that would make the daily work much faster, if it would be possible to use shortcuts or the alt-<key> like in a desktop program.


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