
GTA-MUD / News: Recent posts

Colours now implemented in GTA-MUD

The text is now coloured in GTA-MUD, making it far easier to read the important text in the game. It especially helps in the combat sections.

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-07-02

Saving Implemented

Yes, you read that right - you can now save your character by taking a room at the hotel. I was initally not going to bother with this, as I thought the mud worked best as game where players would go for a quick GTA-MUD fix rather than develop characters, but people seem to be spending a lot of time in the world acquiring cash, so it seemed unfair to not let them save it.

You save the game by takin a rom at the hotel.

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-30

New Locations

There are now several new locations added in the last few days, including a forest, and a couple hidden that won't be discovered without a bit of investigating. It's up to you what you get up to when you find them...

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-26

More Events in GTA-MUD

A couple of new "events" have been added to the GTA MUD. Events are when something happens when you trigger it, such as you get plunged into an action situation. Sorry, no clues as to where they are!

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-22

Comms Bug Corrected

It was my own fault, but I was using the Java method writeChars() to send data back to clients. This seemed to work fine for users using telnet, but most MUD clients got confused. All is corrected now.

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-11

New In-Game Noticeboard

There is now an in-game noticeboard for the leaving of messages for other players. Organise robberies, meet up in the club or just report a bug - it's uses are endless!

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-04

New Locations in GTA Mud

Several new locations have been added to GTA-MUD, including a bank (perfect for robberies?) and a casino (perfect for losing your ill-gotten gains).

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-06-01

New Mission

The first mission has been added to the MUD. Actually it was added a few days ago, and someone has managed to complete it already! (Though it was on a technicality - an NPC policeman walked into the action and "inadvertantly" help them out by shooting the mafia with them). I'm afraid that won't happen again.

Sorry, no clues (apart from the above) as to how to find it!

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-05-23

GTA-MUD Forums Open

The GTA-MUD forums have been opened to the public. Please feel free to post your suggestions, comments, bugfinds or anything else, in order to make GTA-MUD cater exactly to the wishes of the people who play it. After all, it's them who it's for!

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-05-21

Initial Upload Uploaded

My new project GTA-MUD has just been uploaded to Sourceforge. It's a MUD based on the GTA universe, where you can wander around a living breathing city doing all the things you wanted to do in the original games but couldn't, including multi-player!

Posted by Stephen Smith 2006-05-20