
More documentation!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    i get attacked, i end up with 15hp, i goto doctors... how the hell do i heal myself  ?

    now im thirsty... i goto the resteraunt... i try "DRINK" , nothing.

    write a manual or something

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-07-10

      To answer your questions:

      * The doctor will only heal you if he has a medikit, which regenerates every so often.  There is also sometimes a medikit in the hospital which you can use to heal yourself.  I didn't want healing to become too easy though, so it's not always available.  I might change it aso you can buy healthcare or something.

      * If you're thirsty, you need to buy a drink first.  Different types are available from the bar, nightclub, casino or MFC.  As of yesterday, you can also buy some drinks from the chinese or pizza takeaway.  Once you've bought one, just enter "DRINK [name of drink]".  The same goes for hunger (except buy food, obviously).  Also, water quenches your thirst more than the other types.

      Well, I hope your enjoying the game.  I'm going to start a faq to answer questions like these, but I do checkout the forums so if you've got any questions or suggestions please let me know.




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