
NPC personallities and combat?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi all,

    Well, I remember logging into the game and well, basicly when you killed something it wouldn't actually de. Like I type kill gang member and it says you punch a gang member; his guts spill onto the street or something.

    It took ages for it to dye and it never really faught back. Do they fight back now? Also I think the descriptions for combat for this game should be extremely detailed, like A gang member pulls the trigger of an ac5370, causing it to fly out of the weapon twards you. You feel a pane that makes you wanna screem, but in secondes it's over as you fall limp to the ground, unable to move.

    Also, with NPC's, will there be like I mean now in the latest GTA they talk and walk around, do there own thing; will this mud have this as well?

    I mean, especially when you get vehicles involved, you need the cops to whenever something is happening for those events to trigger off...

    Thanks, and I really hope this thing is a success; I hope it turns out good in the end.


    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-08-10

      To take your points in order:-

      * Unfortunately there is a bug somewhere in the game that causes NPC's to become unkillable, and also just sort of stand there doing nothing.  I'm having real trouble tracking it down, but I think it only happens infrequently (I hope).

      * es, increasing the description of combat would be good.  I didn't want to make it too wordy though, as combat can be quite fast, and if the player is still reading the last combat text when the new combat starts, it could get a bit frustrating.  I might change the combat so that you just "start" and "stop" fighting, rather than typing in "punch mugger" every time.

      * Most of the NPC's in this MUD already do walk around and do stuff.  Those that don't are normally because they are relevent only to a particular location.  They don't do anything complex though.  They can talk and sometimes buy a drink, and if they're a cop probably shoot you.  And unlike the video game, you can talk to them!

      Anyway, thanks for playing, and I hope you enjoy it.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      the start stop / toggle cambat would be very useful indeed!


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