

Game World
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sorry, but someone had to say it sooner or later didn't they.
    We need automobiles!

    How exactly they would work I do not know. Dunno whether there are any other MUDs that set an example for this.

    I suppose you could have an item which is a car and then you ENTER CAR and then it shows you in the car, after the room description. And perhaps you could accidentally (!) run people over as you move between locations.

    A Porsche Carrera is parked at the side of the road here.
    You get into the Porsche.
    You push the accelerator and relase the clutch. Unsurprisingly, nothing happens.
    The engine starts running.
    You drive north.
    A voice from below you screams "AAARRGGHH!"
    You have run over a policeman. Nevermind, he should've looked where you were going.

    Sorry, got carried away...

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-05-30

      It sounds like a good idea, and I'll probably implement it later, but can you think of any ways it can be used to extend the game, apart from the ability to run pedestrians over (which, in a mud, consists of seeing the words "You have run over a pedestrian")?  Maybe become a getaway driver?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Getaway driver would be possible , what about races? and if your in a car being able to TARGET some one to run over would be handy, like a cop tahts in your way. also drive-bys, can't forget them

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      First I want to say, "I love that someone has made a GTA MUD"! Now onto business...

      I have played a few other MUDs that feature automobiles, if you are looking for an example.

      Awakened Worlds (

      Now it is a 'Shadowrun' MUD, but the vehicle system is fully operational. It includes repainting, modifications, repair, and a drive-by function. The owner of Awakened Worlds freely releases his code if that helps any.

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-06-30

      I'm glad you like it, and I'm surprised someone hasn't done it before.  Even a search on Google reveals only one reference to such a thing (before mine came along).  Having said that, it is much harder to create adventures in contemporary settings where you can't introduce things like magic and giant monsters!

      Thanks for the helpful pointer regarding vehicles.  Sorry to sound lazy, but can you give me a few examples of how the vehicles work?  Is it along the lines of "DRIVE SOUTH", "ENTER CAR", "THERE IS SMOKE COMING FROM THE ENGINE" etc.?  (Actually, that gives me a few ideas).


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Okay, I think I have an idea for automobeals.

      You could have a cooridents system, or whatever, like if someone told you the name of a location, you could perhaps; and i'll start from highjacking to moving to a location. Also, since I am using a screen reader due to my blindness, this will help with navigation for us as well in vehicles.

      You see an old, porsh here (yes, i'm taking the example from above, sorry), that's what I get for not being able to play the actual video game due to, again, blindness, so I'm glad someone's made a mud for it. okay.

      I'll add a few twists to the highjacking seen, as this is really the only thing I can do in the video game besides shoot things.

      highjack porsh

      You comly walk up to the porsh as it slowly moves.

      Taking your 9MM from it's holster, you shout:

      "Hey, can you please stop? Hey, asshole! Stop! (sorry I didn't make it real uncencered, cocky and cheesy like the game is... I'm just giving examples anyway.).

      (this can be random, if the driver doesn't stop the player could do it forcefully.)

      Seeing that the driver isn't listening before the driver floors it, you shoot through the winshield. Nothing happens as the bullet rickashaes off the window (sorry, I'm a bad speller).

      Also, I guess these can be options. What would you like to do in order to ighjack this vehicle? From there on it can give you a list.

      Continuing on (this could be another option).

      Since you really don't want to waist ammo, you quickly run up to the door and quickly pull it open.

      Okay, since I don't know exactly what happens in the video game, I'm just bassing this off sound, sorry if this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I know that he punches the driver sending him out the car and you quickly get in and close the door, but I mean, you can word it as best in mud format; these are just ideas. Or I don't know. I really don't know how to make it real time. At least going up to the car and punching the driver out that is... that's why I say menu system that gives you sanereos. Then I guess it wouldn't be as open and dynamic as you want it to be, but I'm at least trying here and not being able to play the video game makes it harder. But since a mud is text I want the best GTA expierance possible.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Okay, I think I have an idea for automobeals.

      You could have a cooridents system, or whatever, like if someone told you the name of a location, you could perhaps; and i'll start from highjacking to moving to a location. Also, since I am using a screen reader due to my blindness, this will help with navigation for us as well in vehicles.

      You see an old, porsh here (yes, i'm taking the example from above, sorry), that's what I get for not being able to play the actual video game due to, again, blindness, so I'm glad someone's made a mud for it. okay.

      I'll add a few twists to the highjacking seen, as this is really the only thing I can do in the video game besides shoot things.

      highjack porsh

      You comly walk up to the porsh as it slowly moves.

      Taking your 9MM from it's holster, you shout:

      "Hey, can you please stop? Hey, asshole! Stop! (sorry I didn't make it real uncencered, cocky and cheesy like the game is... I'm just giving examples anyway.).

      (this can be random, if the driver doesn't stop the player could do it forcefully.)

      Seeing that the driver isn't listening before the driver floors it, you shoot through the winshield. Nothing happens as the bullet rickashaes off the window (sorry, I'm a bad speller).

      Also, I guess these can be options. What would you like to do in order to ighjack this vehicle? From there on it can give you a list.

      Continuing on (this could be another option).

      Since you really don't want to waist ammo, you quickly run up to the door and quickly pull it open.

      Okay, since I don't know exactly what happens in the video game, I'm just bassing this off sound, sorry if this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. I know that he punches the driver sending him out the car and you quickly get in and close the door, but I mean, you can word it as best in mud format; these are just ideas. Or I don't know. I really don't know how to make it real time. At least going up to the car and punching the driver out that is... that's why I say menu system that gives you sanereos. Then I guess it wouldn't be as open and dynamic as you want it to be, but I'm at least trying here and not being able to play the video game makes it harder. But since a mud is text I want the best GTA expierance possible.

      Okay, I guess now onto location. I mean, I guess we really have to go into the future about this with automattic stuff as like, you can have a list of locations around the area that you'd like to drive to. It will ask you to whether you want to drive manual or automattic. If you wanna drive manual then it'll just put you in directional mode. Auttomattic I mean if you're just worrying about getting to the location without being an asshole, you can just let your char do it's thing. Yeah I know it's stupid, but for me, I need this kiind of thing. Plus with auttomattic mode you can let your char drive while you oocly look at fuel, watch of oncoming shoters and do drivebyes. Or there could be croose mode which is automattic also but goes around the city and sorrounding areas or whatever. I'm just trying to think of ideas to make it accessible for me and other VIP (visually impaired) users.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      There's a cowboy bebop mud that has a ship system you might be able to tweak around with, it doesn't say drive north, but rather, enter the coordinates of where you want to go, just a suggestion.


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