

Game World
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just a question, how many players usually frequent this game, because i've been alone quite a bit, and it seems like it could quickly get bette,r because its very enjoyable now, but its not as fun alone

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-10-11

      It varies a lot, but between 5 - 12 people usually connect every day, most during 9pm to 5am GMT.  Unfortunately, the first thing most players do is start attacking everything.  I deliberately made the police more powerful to try and put people off doing this, but it just means that they get killed a lot quicker.  Maybe you could organise a time to connect with any other MUD players you know?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      First thing, what would 9pm t 5am gmt be in ontario canada, I was never good with time, and second, i've never seen the other players, I once saw 1 person online, but never actually saw the person outside of the who list.

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-10-13

      Ontario is 5 hours behind, so you could try between 4pm and midnight your time.

      Like I said though, people tend to get killed straight away (through their own actions) so the average connection time is about 5 mins.  My best recommendation is to maybe stay connected permanently and keep seeing if someone else is connected using the WHO command every so often.  You can also use SHOUT to communicate with other players no matter which location they are in.

      Any other suggestions for ways to dissaude people from shooting everything that moves is always welcome!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Well, I suppose, if there's nothing to shoot or whatever well what's the point? There's no cars in yet so we can't run over people... like if stuff is put in to not kill things, what other stuff is there to do? I've found none.

    • Stephen Smith

      Stephen Smith - 2006-10-19

      Well, there are a few places to visit, like bars and clubs.  There's a casino.  You can become a delivery boy.  There's banks to rob.  That's off the top of my head.  Any other suggestions gratefully accepted!


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