
Gsys / News: Recent posts

Gsys v0.11 Released!


Didn't think I was coming back did ya? Well I squeezed in some time and got some stuff done that was way overdue. The changelog is below and I also added a "upcoming" section to give you an idea of some things that are in the works.

Let me know if you come up with any problems. Sorry this took so long.

v0.11 - 2008.02.20
* Added password change utility so users can change their own passwords... how did I miss that?
* Removed static paths pointing to webroot/php/<files>. I think I've caught and removed all the static paths left over from my poor practices days : )
* Removed use of the $table_name variable. This should prevent accidental breakage.
* Fixed the ability to view meeting minutes (view_minutes.php). I had an unassigned variable that was breaking it.
* Changed link colors to a deep scarlet... pretty, eh? The default blue was making my eyes bleed.
* Formatted all code with PHP-Eclipse's built-in formatter. Looks much cleaner now.
* Changed "include()" to "include_once()" where necessary.
* Added "Apply for Membership" link to the front page. This has been around forever, just not easily accessible.
* Added "Pledge" to list of statuses.
* Made slight CSS changes on input elements.... read more

Posted by DarC 2008-02-20

Account Management

I coded a bit on Gsys tonight (amazing isn't it?) because I apparently never gave users the ability to change their own passwords... which was dumb.

It's been coded and tested, I'll upload a new version early next week with a few other changes. I won't have a chance to take care of it this weekend because of all the wedding showers : P


Posted by DarC 2008-02-01

Host Change and I'm Lazy/Tired

I’m planning on moving hosts by December. My current host has raised their prices with no palpable rise in service levels or cost… so I’m leaving them for a friend of mine who’s cutting me a deal. Hopefully the switch will be seamless as I have both hosts running simultaneously so the only possible problem should be the DNS propagation delay… which is unlikely to be noticed.

On a Gsys note, I was contacted by an old party interested in Gsys today and it reminded me how much it’s fallen to the wayside with me working all the time. These days I’m typically burnt out on programming by the time I get off work due to coding for 8hrs straight for Acxiom ( But, I love the Gsys project and think it serves a valid, strong purpose. So, I vow to do some major work on it between now and the end of the year… probably over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. If you use Gsys, please send me an email so I know that I’m actually helping people and not just coding for my own sick pleasure : )... read more

Posted by DarC 2007-11-14

Updates to Come

I’ve finally graduated so I now have time to work on Gsys. I’m still limited by the fact that I have no home internet access (posting from a net cafe at the moment) but that should be rectified as I move into my new place in the next few weeks. Of course, then I’ll have to start working, but I’m sure it won’t be as demanding as school was.


Posted by DarC 2007-05-27

Slow Updates

School is back in full swing... translation? Gsys updates are really slow : (

Since it's my last semester I'm pretty swamped between my senior design project, compiler construction (yeah, we're writing a compiler), and all my extracurriculars (VP of SGA for the most part).

Regardless, I made a bit of progress tonight at killing a pretty big flaw regarding member account deletion. Currently, EC ranked members have the ability to delete user accounts, but doing so breaks the referential integrity in the 'financial' table and makes it impossible to see who made a transaction in the past (the member that was deleted). ... read more

Posted by DarC 2007-03-02

Gsys v0.10 Released

The newest version is available and the amount of updates is crazy. A lot of new functionality was added (or enhanced), not to mention overall beautification (almost everything is styled now, crazy isn't it?).

See the changelog below for more info:

v0.1 - 2006.01.13
* Added/updated a basic comment header on every file.
* Removed deprecated code from various spots (sorry for the vagueness, just did it as I came across it)
* Styled (almost) every page - credit: Marty
* Added ability to post and order T-shirts through Gsys
* Converted add_payment.php to self posting, self contained form.
* Added 'misc'ellaneous data table to database (keyed on label)
* Added ability to mark payments as early which will add a predetermined early payment amount to the transaction (amount taken from misc. table)
* Added treasury/set_early_amount.php to allow treasurer to set the amount for early payment credits
* Fixed 'treasury_functions.php?cat=user_transaction_list' to sort descending by date and calculate balance correctly (like user_transactions.php)
* Added 'news' table to database for posting articles to news ticker (news ticker which doesn't exist yet)
* Fixed an if/else problem in do_buy_shirt.php
* Added php/user_registration.php to allow users to apply for access (access granted/denied by admin, see below)
* Added admin/approve_users.php to allow admin to approve/deny users applying for site access
* Updated php/do_authuser.php to check if users are approved by admin before logging in (rejects on pending and denied users)
* Changed alignment of displayed data on multiple pages to improve readability
* Fixed a static path in php/do_authuser.php which point to (wwwroot)/php - now uses dynamic path
* Added stipulation on php/phone_list.php to only display active members and pledges
* Created a (crappy) generic Gsys banner... check out my skills
* Added success and error CSS classes for reporting results to users

Posted by DarC 2007-01-13

Christmas Updates!

Well, finals are done and all my projects are turned in... now it's time to work on Gsys.

Expect some pretty crazy updates in the next month (until I start classes again : ). I got my test box set up tonight and installed the latest version (0.73) and during the install noticed that I buggered up part of the SQL file at some point. You'll need to set your admin password manually because I don't know what the hell it's set to. *SUPPOSED* to be admin/admin, but it doesn't work on a clean install so I set the pw to 'admin' manually and the hash is a lot shorter than the one in the SQL file. Could have something to do with different server setups (cause I could have sworn I fixed this in the past)?... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-12-21

v0.07 revisions

I accidentally got some files from an earlier release (specifically the SQL file) included in this release with FUBAR'd some stuff.
...Should be fixed now : )

Posted by DarC 2006-09-20

Gsys v0.07 Released

A few new features, some beautification (images, CSS, impressive, eh?), and we have a new contributer. Some day I'll get around to creating a generic "Gsys" theme but for now I'm going to use the images/css developed by a friend/brother for my chapters site. Personally, I hate web design, so a new theme isn't high on my list...

Thanks to ParaXoN, our new contributer.

v0.07 - 2006.08.29
* Brother management tools developed (add, delete, edit) - credit: ParaXoN
* Added a new table to store meeting minutes (meeting_minutes)
* Updated the SQL installation file to reflect the database change
* Added appropriate management tools for meeting minutes (add, delete, edit). See: admin/minutes_man.php
* Bundled TinyMCE for adding and editing minutes
* Included the images & CSS developed by Marty for my chapter site to make things less ugly... customize it as you see fit. Some day I'll make a generic "Gsys" theme so you don't have to see "Kappa Sigma - Omicron Gamma" (since that's probably not you). Personally, I *hate* web design so if someone else wants to do it, that'd be great (it's not my top priority).... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-08-29

Gsys v0.06

Alright, well ParoXon gave Gsys a try and let me know that it didn't work... (though it was working in my test system just fine). SO ~ I set up a new system and installed it from scratch, and I'll be damned if he wasn't right!

So, I fixed the stupid mistakes I had made and present this version, that should actually work (but is still ugly).

Don't even bother with v0.05 ~ it's inherently broken because I had help with the development and didn't realize some of the changes that were made (that didn't get included in the package).... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-08-15

Gsys to join a larger project

It has been proposed to incorporate Gsys, most notably the financial/treasury sections (which are the best developed, and the original purpose of the project) into a larger project which plans to be a complete Greek management system ~ which is what Gsys was starting to turn in to.

However, the entity this offer comes from already has multiple developers and is well organized (much more so than the coding sprees implemented by me with no assistance). Not only will this change improve the future of Gsys through incorporation into a larger project with multiple developers, it will also improve Gsys itself by requiring it be written in a more standard format, and more closely inspected for portability, security, and efficiency.... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-06-18

v0.05 Released

I've had this done for awhile but have been in the process of moving, starting a new job, and haven't had internet access in weeks... so here it is finally.


Posted by DarC 2006-06-18

v0.04 Released (minor updates)

The main change in this release is that I finally went through and added some comments. I also structured the code/syntax for easier readability and comprehension. I did find & fix a few bugs in the process though : )

v0.04 - 2006.04.04
* Commented all files (briefly)
* Structured the code for readability (finally took the time to indent correctly : )
* Fixed search bug in do_brother_search.php that was displaying pledges
* Fixed search bug in pledge_roster.php that was displaying encrypted, BLOB data as text

Posted by DarC 2006-04-04

v0.03 available

I made some minor changes, bug fixes, and improvements over the past week. Changelog below.
v0.03 - 2006.03.26
* Added ability to view individual user's transactions instead of having to sort through full transaction list.
* Added a pagination for the transaction list, 40 results per page
* Updated setup_account.php to allow users to change almost all their information
* Fixed bug in individual user transaction list that was changing the user's session variable (and leading to all kinds of crazy errors)... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-03-26

Gsys v0.02 Released

I released v0.02 a few days ago, and now I'm really sick and swamped with school work so don't expect an update for the next week or two.

Posted by DarC 2006-02-28

Gsys v0.01 Released!

Just released v0.01!

I'll admit that it's ugly as hell because I've been spending all my time on the backend/functionality.

So, it may look like butt ~ but it works, which is fine with me for the moment.

Thanks and please post any bugs, support, or feature requests ~ I'd love feedback.

Release Notes:
This is a preliminary release, therefore the functionality that is present widely works (but hasn't been tested thoroughly) but has no aesthetic value. I tend to get the majority of my backend working before I even touch the interface. Because of this, most pages are bare, black/white, and often not even valid HTML. However, they will still work, and provide access to the backend functionality which is the main focus currently. Comments are currently few and quite arcane (or vulgar) where they appear. I'm the Grand Treasurer of my chapter so I'm aiming to solve treasury and executive committee problems (first) to make my life easier.... read more

Posted by DarC 2006-02-17

Alpha Release... soon

I've got basic user management functional and the treasury/financial section is coming along nicely. The only thing keeping me from posting an alpha is making Gsys easily configurable (through includes). I wasn't thinking when I began and hard coded all the database accesses... which was dumb and now I have to fix it.

I'll post the alpha as soon as I get the configuration dependent arguments cut out into includes for easy adaptation.

Posted by DarC 2006-02-09