
GSPipeline no sound

  • Offlink

    Offlink - 2010-06-25


    Thank you for this excellent library :D

    We want make a client live streaming, the source no matters, mp4, flv, avi etc

    We use a pipeline of GStreamer for this, but we have a mistake with the audio, in test "audiotestsrc"

    Saving a file mp3 when this test, is ok

    pipe = new GSPipeline(this, "audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! lame ! filesink location=file.mp3 ");

    But no sound live, taken the example of "Test.pde" use the following pipeline for audio:

    pipe = new GSPipeline(this, "audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw-int,rate=8000,channels=1");

    But get the following error

    JNA: Callback org.gstreamer.Element$4@1b09282 threw the following exception:
    org.gstreamer.Structure$InvalidFieldException: Structure does not contain integer field 'height'
    at org.gstreamer.Structure.getInteger(
    at org.gstreamer.elements.RGBDataSink$VideoHandoffListener.handoff(
    at org.gstreamer.Element$4.callback(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.sun.jna.CallbackReference$DefaultCallbackProxy.invokeCallback(
    at com.sun.jna.CallbackReference$DefaultCallbackProxy.callback(

    The pipeline is wrong?  :(  or exist another way to sound the audio

    Sorry my English


  • Andres Colubri

    Andres Colubri - 2010-06-26

    Thanks for pointing this out!

    I'm adding a new parameter for GSPipeline, which allows you to indicate that the pipeline is audio-only. Something like this:

    pipe = new GSPipeline(this, "audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! alsasink", GSVideo.AUDIO);

    I'll upload the version of gsvideo with this new feature soon.

  • Offlink

    Offlink - 2010-06-27

    Hehe perfect , that's great

    I'll be waiting for the new version

    Thank you

  • Andres Colubri

    Andres Colubri - 2010-06-28

    Forgot to mention, I put the sample pipeline in Examples/Pipelines/Test. Only the Linux version, for windows would be:

    pipe = new GSPipeline(this, "audiotestsrc ! audioconvert ! directsoundsink", GSVideo.AUDIO);

  • Offlink

    Offlink - 2010-07-29

    Works !!  that's great

    Excelent thank you

    Tested in Windows and Ubuntu


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