
Released a Preview on The Swing Timetable Platform 0.0.7

The Swing Timetable Platform (gstpl) provides help with manual and computer controlled scheduling for high schools, universities and even companies.
An English and a German translation exist.

The new features are:
1. An automatical timetable generator is integrated for a faster scheduling and optimized results.
Optimized against gaps (A person don't want to wait for the next subject) and collisions (A person cannot go into more than one subject at a time and there couldn't be more than two subjects in a room)
In addition you can look for gaps and collisions manually.

2. Support for java 1.4 was dropped. You must have java runtime env. 1.6 installed!
Now we have better performance, smaller download size (pack200), generics and several 'desktop' capabilities.

3. MyDoggy is now the graphical engine for an intuitive appliance of the GUI.
And gstpl allows you to (CTRL-) click on a subjects room in the subject table and guides you to this room in the room table.

4. gstpl offers an improved timetabling API for user from university research.
You can import textfile (.stu), which was mentioned in the paper: "Examination Timetabling: Algorithmic Strategies and Applications", which is available here:

You will find a working, but possible unstable version in the download area on the project site:

The main reason for pushing such preview versions out, is that we are looking for developers, because we want to enter the International Timetabling Competition

You should be familiar with basic optimization algorithms (local search, genetic algorithms or you favorite one) and Java. At the moment we only have an 'evolutionary strategy' implemented.

If you are interested in developing databases or JGraph you are welcome, too.
Contact me under:

Thank you,
Peter Karich.

Posted by Peter 2007-10-12

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