
Swing Timetable Platform (gstpl) / News: Recent posts

Use TimeFinder instead of gstpl!

Please visit, which is an improved version of gstpl! The time table algorithm of TimeFinder has significantly improved. gstpl will not be maintained anylonger!

Posted by Peter 2009-06-01

The gstpl Team Releases a Timetabling Competition Version

The Swing Timetable Platform (gstpl) provides help with manual and computer controlled scheduling for high schools, universities and even companies.

We released a special command line version, which is for track 2 of the second International timetabling Competition 2007/2008 (ITC)

Track 2 is a variation of the common known 'Post Enrolment Course Timetabling' where the timetable is produced after student enrolment on courses or subjects has taken place.... read more

Posted by Peter 2008-01-30

Released a Preview on The Swing Timetable Platform 0.0.7

The Swing Timetable Platform (gstpl) provides help with manual and computer controlled scheduling for high schools, universities and even companies.
An English and a German translation exist.

The new features are:
1. An automatical timetable generator is integrated for a faster scheduling and optimized results.
Optimized against gaps (A person don't want to wait for the next subject) and collisions (A person cannot go into more than one subject at a time and there couldn't be more than two subjects in a room)
In addition you can look for gaps and collisions manually. ... read more

Posted by Peter 2007-10-12

gstpl needs your help for db4o, cayenne, genetic algorithm..


Again I need some help to release gstpl 0.0.7.
There is a lot of work to be done.
And YOU could help!
See for the project homepage.

Currently I have some problems with db4o and cayenne+derby as database:
cayenne does not support temporary objects. So the task would be to implement a method (isTemporary) and a separate list of targets.
With db4o I have some performance problems. E.g clearing the database is very slow (Task: profile app or make it otherwise faster). And another task is: create a config xml file, so that we don't need to call a method which actually lays on the server. And so we can't remove server libraries from client.... read more

Posted by Peter 2007-05-01

db4o support

If gstpl 0.0.7 comes out - it will take at least 3 months - it will support database for objects (db4o).
Today you can download a snapshot (very unstable!) for this feature here:

The main feature of gstpl 0.0.7 will be the automatical timetable generation.

Optimized against time gaps in the schedule of all involved persons and gstpl will minimize the conflicts too - using a genetic algorithm.

Posted by Peter 2007-03-23

Released 0.0.6 alpha

We Released a new version of: The Swing Timetable platform. In future releases it provides you a simple way of automatic generating the timetables from thousand of persons. But for now you can look for free timeslots with respect to the roomcapacity and its timetable.

Enhancements of database use:

Now it is possible to create new users, rooms or subjects, update them and
remove them from within the application.
And even creating your personal database schema is possible.
All important features now have a keyboard shortcut.... read more

Posted by Peter 2006-12-22

Released 0.0.5 alpha

A new timetable viewer and a new database connection is now available. gstpl uses the database 'derby' and the object - relational mapper 'cayenne'. Both from the apache project. Thanks to them! And may be you like gstpl, contact me at sourcemaker2000-berlios 'at' yahoo 'dot' de

Posted by Peter 2006-09-05

released a snapshot

see download section and docs for more details.

Posted by Peter 2006-06-17

released 0.0.1 first java version

Very incomplete. Just wait a few weeks :-) for a better solution...

Posted by Peter 2006-06-10