Activity for gsps

  • smiz smiz committed [r184]

    More work on classification

  • smiz smiz committed [r183]

    MOre work on classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r182]


  • smiz smiz committed [r181]

    More work on classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r180]

    More work on classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r179]

    More work on classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r178]

    Added character based classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r177]

    Fixed the overfit problem?

  • smiz smiz committed [r176]

    Trying to correct for overfitting

  • smiz smiz committed [r175]

    More work on sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r174]

    More work on sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r173]

    New sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r172]

    More objective function fun...

  • smiz smiz committed [r171]

    This objective function stuff is tricky

  • smiz smiz committed [r170]

    More work on objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r169]

    More work on objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r168]

    More work on objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r167]

    More changes to objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r166]

    Updates to seq classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r165]

    Update to objective function and test code

  • smiz smiz committed [r164]

    More changes to the objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r163]

    New objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r162]

    More tinkering with objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r161]

    Another update to sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r160]

    Yet another model builder

  • smiz smiz committed [r159]

    Yet another objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r158]

    Removed weighting from fitness function

  • smiz smiz committed [r157]

    More tinkering with sequence classifier's objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r156]

    New scoring function for sequence classification

  • smiz smiz committed [r155]

    Another sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r154]

    Performance improvements for addTimeSeries and seq_probabilies in the mask class

  • smiz smiz committed [r153]

    Speedup of addTimeSeries

  • smiz smiz committed [r152]

    Looking for a good objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r151]

    Code cleanup in classifiers

  • smiz smiz committed [r150]

    Forgot to add a source file

  • smiz smiz committed [r149]

    New sequence classification method

  • smiz smiz committed [r148]

    Update to classification example

  • smiz smiz committed [r147]

    Cleanup of classifier example

  • smiz smiz committed [r146]

    Fixed problem with reject rate calculation

  • smiz smiz committed [r145]

    Change in token selection

  • smiz smiz committed [r144]

    Update to seq classification example to use new token selector

  • smiz smiz committed [r143]

    More work on sequence classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r142]

    Update to text classification method

  • smiz smiz committed [r141]


  • smiz smiz committed [r140]

    Fixed missing input error in Automaton

  • smiz smiz committed [r139]

    Small performance improvements (?) and updates to examples

  • smiz smiz committed [r138]

    Added ability to save models

  • smiz smiz committed [r137]

    Work on seq classification example

  • smiz smiz committed [r136]

    Performance improvements to speedup automaton parameter search

  • smiz smiz committed [r135]

    Added hill climbing procedure for optimizing automaton

  • smiz smiz committed [r134]

    Performance improvements for calculating sequence probabilities given using an automaton

  • smiz smiz committed [r133]

    More work on evolutionary algorithm

  • smiz smiz committed [r132]

    Update to evolutionary search algorithm

  • smiz smiz committed [r129]

    Added capability to add a hidden state to a mask

  • smiz smiz committed [r131]

    Update to split function to keep obervation counts

  • smiz smiz committed [r130]

    Code cleanup and added save at improvements to the genetic algorithm

  • smiz smiz committed [r128]

    Code cleanup

  • smiz smiz committed [r127]

    Working(?) text classification system added to the examples

  • smiz smiz committed [r126]

    Added text classification example

  • smiz smiz committed [r125]

    Added functionaliy for calculating sequence log likelihoods

  • smiz smiz committed [r124]

    Updates for more easily building binary classifiers

  • smiz smiz committed [r123]

    Put negative examples back into classifier

  • smiz smiz committed [r122]

    Report Q for false positive

  • smiz smiz committed [r121]

    Forgot trainer

  • smiz smiz committed [r120]

    Removed defunct java files from hmm

  • smiz smiz committed [r119]

    Reintroduced negative examples. Thes appear to help with some text classification tasks

  • smiz smiz committed [r118]

    Added parallel for loop to text classification test

  • smiz smiz committed [r117]

    Removed ill advised negative training

  • smiz smiz committed [r116]

    More numerically robust test for relevance

  • smiz smiz committed [r115]

    Eliminated estimate of P(s) from P(C|s) calculation

  • smiz smiz committed [r114]

    Text classification using string likelihood with uncertainty measure

  • smiz smiz committed [r113]

    Classification using likelihood of strings

  • smiz smiz committed [r112]

    New tree building strategy looks at prevelance of substrings

  • smiz smiz committed [r111]

    Stop classifier scoring at first point of certainty in a string

  • smiz smiz committed [r110]

    Test accepts test or train argument

  • smiz smiz committed [r109]

    Changed score to average error per string

  • smiz smiz committed [r108]

    Mistake in test.cpp to pick wrong file for testing

  • smiz smiz committed [r107]

    Changed word file name

  • smiz smiz committed [r106]

    New error function that favors reduction of larger contributors first

  • smiz smiz committed [r105]

    Training base on a more 'rational' objective function

  • smiz smiz committed [r104]

    Fixed problem in test code that cause report of zero FP'

  • smiz smiz committed [r103]

    Added example application that classifies reuters articles

  • smiz smiz committed [r102]

    Improved training for classifiers

  • smiz smiz committed [r101]

    Remove MPI C++ bindings from test cases

  • smiz smiz committed [r100]

    Remove C++ MPI bindings

  • smiz smiz committed [r99]

    Added traiiner for classification

  • smiz smiz committed [r98]

    Fixed bug in MPI code

  • smiz smiz committed [r97]

    Alterate writes to file so premature end doesn't corrupt solution

  • smiz smiz committed [r96]

    Added mpi support

  • smiz smiz committed [r95]

    Forget a file

  • smiz smiz committed [r94]

    Improved(?) evolution

  • smiz smiz committed [r93]

    Performance improvements

  • smiz smiz committed [r92]

    Changed mutation rule

  • smiz smiz committed [r91]

    Pulled out log likelihood function

  • smiz smiz committed [r90]

    Option to create filename and some convergence improvements

  • smiz smiz committed [r89]

    Code cleanup

  • smiz smiz committed [r88]

    Added error checking for score function

  • smiz smiz committed [r87]

    More performance improvements

  • smiz smiz committed [r86]

    More work on speedup

  • smiz smiz committed [r85]

    Continuing with performance improvements

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