Activity for GNU Spice GUI

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on ticket #30

    OK. I'll make some mods. when I get chance and let you know so you can review them.

  • Pacho Ramos Pacho Ramos posted a comment on ticket #30

    Sure, that would work fine. Maybe you can use a more general "GSPICEUI_CUSTOM_FLAGS" as maybe other distributions could benefit from that too. But, as you wish :) Thanks a lot

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on ticket #30

    Hi Pacho, After some head scratching I've come up with an idea that may satisfy everyone. What if I created a make variable (eg. GSPICEUI_GENTOO) that if set to 1 does all the things you want, if set to 0 the build system works as in the past. Ie. when envoking make for Gentoo the command line would be : make GSPICEUI_GENTOO=1. Would this mechanism work for you? Mike Waters

  • Pacho Ramos Pacho Ramos posted a comment on ticket #30

    Hi! For hardcoding g++ calls, we rely on been able to modify it to not break cross compilation In general we have no problems fixing them allowing to honor CXX variable as, for example: But it is true that we pass CC and CXX variables to the desired values; Then, maybe a logic to fallback to CXX=g++ would be needed for the cases no...

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r383] on Code

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on ticket #30

    Hello Pacho, Thanks for the patch. I've had a look at it and am happy to implement any of your suggestions that don't break the build system. Some questions/comments : 1. When I set CXX and LD using ?= I get the same linker error you have reported. This Makefile only builds successfully when gcc/g++ is specified. 2. As an experiment I tried the build using clang++ and it crashed and burned. The command line arguments are specific to gcc/g++. 3. I've remove the -pipe option from non-debug builds but...

  • Pacho Ramos Pacho Ramos created ticket #30

    Don't play with CFLAGS and fix ld invocation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r382] on Code

    Sort out some bugs introduced by the use of FrmMain::DoLayout( ) wxWidgets library v3.2.4

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r381] on Code

    More minor updates to the build system

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r380] on Code

    The build mechanism now uses multiple processes (much faster on a capable machine)

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r379] on Code

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r378] on Code

    Fix some minor bugs caused by bit rot

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r377] on Code

    General update

  • Drei Eck Drei Eck posted a comment on ticket #28

    Instead of wx-config-gtk2 and wx-config, also wx-config --toolkit=gtk2 and wx-config --toolkit=gtk3 could be used. That seems to be more future-proof and independent on how distributions name the binaries.

  • Drei Eck Drei Eck created ticket #29

    With wxWidgets 3.2, warning `/usr/src/debug/wxWidgets-3.2.0/src/common/sizer.cpp(2267): assert "CheckSizerFlags(!((flags) & (wxALIGN_RIGHT)))" failed in DoInsert(): wxALIGN_RIGHT will be ignored in this sizer: only vertical alignment flags can be used in horizontal sizers` shows up very prominently.

  • Drei Eck Drei Eck created ticket #28

    wxWidgets 3.2 `Makefile` adaptions.

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r376]

    Updates to netlister backend sch/gnet-spice-msw.scm

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r375]

    Add files to directory sch/pwr-supply

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r374]

    Configure EDA tool suites to automatically incorporate gSpiceUI file into their libraries

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on discussion Help

    In the current source tree this section has been moved to the user manual. I just checked the relevant section and you are quite correct. I've modified the manual as you've suggested. Thanks for the feedback, it all helps. Regards Mike Waters

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on discussion Help

    This is a good call. I've got several builds of wxWidgets installed on my system for testing so I explicitly specify the wxWidgets config. utility to run. It never occured to me that this isn't ideal for everyone else. I've modified the build system so that it's no longer hard coded except in debug mode. Thanks for the tip. Regards Mike Waters

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r373]

    Fix problem in build system with ABI mismatch between wxWidgets library and gspiceui application

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r372]

    Added and modified some symbols file

  • brewmanz brewmanz posted a comment on discussion Help

    It seems that the src/Makefile assumes wx-config is at hard location /usr/bin/wx-config; someone has the correct (for me) hard location of /usr/local/bin/wx-config commented out (lines 60 & 63). I activated those, disabled the others, and now it's built. I then did sudo make install then gspiceui and it starts up.

  • brewmanz brewmanz posted a comment on discussion Help

    I am unable to install gspiceui-v1.2.87 on Ubuntu 20.04LTS, after prior install of wxWidgets-3.0.5. How can I fix this? Thanks The problem: 'make' gives me vvv ~/Downloads/gspiceui-v1.2.87$ make cd /home/bryan/Downloads/gspiceui-v1.2.87/src ; make make[1]: Entering directory '/home/bryan/Downloads/gspiceui-v1.2.87/src' make[1]: /usr/bin/wx-config: Command not found make[1]: /usr/bin/wx-config: Command not found -e **** Build gSpiceUI binary **** g++ -c -O3 -std=c++17 -pipe -I. TypeDefs.cpp -o obj/TypeDefs.o...

  • brewmanz brewmanz posted a comment on discussion Help

    The file 'gspiceui-v1.2.87/Install' states (around lines 88-91) vvv mkdir my-build cd my-build ./configure --without-subdirs --disable-compat28 make ^^^ This didn't work for me but changing (single period) ./configure --without-subdirs --disable-compat28 to (double period) ../configure --without-subdirs --disable-compat28 did Regards Brewmanz

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r371]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r370]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r369]

    Minor updates

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r368]

    Remove Guile backend selection from the Preferences dialog. It was broken and unnecessary.

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r367]

    Remove the class FrmHtmlVwr as it is no longer required

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r366]

    Added functionality to automatically clean / rebuild the configuration file

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r365]

    Phase / angle data in degrees or radian is now fully implemented for both GNU-CAP and NG-SPICE

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r364]

    Several not insignificant bug fixes

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r363]

    Completed update of documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r362]

    Updates to the files Readme, Install and the Latex based PDF documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r361]

    Updates to the new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r360]

    The original HTML documentation has been replaced with the new PDF (Latex based) documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r359]

    Updates to object model SVG drawings

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r358]

    Updates to the new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r357]

    Removed automatically generated icon PNG files from the SVN

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r356]

    Updates to new LaTeX based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r355]

    Updates to new LaTeX based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r354]

    Modifications to the build system and the new LaTeX based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r353]

    Updates to the project Makefiles

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r352]

    Minor change in src/Makefile to how dependencies are generated

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r351]

    Added a calculator tool to the toolbar along with a new process class PrcCalc

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r350]

    Only allow external functionality if the required binaries are installed

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r349]

    Added a new object to search the system for binary files

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r348]

    Updates to the new documentation, rearrangement and tidy-up of the class Config

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r347]

    The remove old data viewer classes PrcGaw, PrcGWave & PrcKst

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r346]

    The data viewer classes PrcGaw, PrcGWave & PrcKst are almost identical so have combined them into one class called PrcDataVwr

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r345]

    Dropped support for wxWidgets library versions before v3.0.0

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r344]

    Remove references to the wxWidgets macro wxT(), it's no longer needed

  • Mike W. Mike W. created a blog post

    New release, version 1.2.87

  • GNU Spice GUI GNU Spice GUI released /gSpiceUI/gspiceui-v1.2.87/gspiceui-v1.2.87.tar.gz

  • GNU Spice GUI GNU Spice GUI released /gSpiceUI/gspiceui-v1.2.87/release-notes-v1.2.87.txt

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r343]

    Create v1.2.87 tag

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r342]

    This should really be the last update before the next release

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r341]

    This should be the final update before the next release

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r340]

    Testing and updates to demo. schematics

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r339]

    Prepare for next release

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r338]

    Changes identified by syntax checker cppcheck

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r337]

    Testing and work on oscillator schematics

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r336]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r335]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r334]

    Minor updates and testing

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r333]


  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r332]

    Added some new schematic symbols

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r331]

    Updates to demo. schematics and minor source code mods.

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r330]

    Updates to demo. schematics

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r329]

    Updates to the demo. schematics and symbols files

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r328]

    Updates to demo. schematics

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r327]

    Update demo. schematic names

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r326]

    Work on getting more demo. schematics working

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r325]

    Mostly updates to the new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r324]

    Some minor to C++ sources, mostly updates to new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r323]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r322]

    More work on the new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r321]

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r320]

    Updates to the new Latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r319]

    Updates to new latex based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r318]

    New LaTeX based documentation updates

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r317]

    Added Preference icon to the tool bar and updates to new LaTeX based documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r316]

    Updates to man page, LaTeX documentation and minor C++ code updates

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r315]

    Updates to the LaTeX version of the documentation

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r314]

    Conversion of user manual to LaTeX

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r313]

    Start conversion of user manual to LaTeX

  • Mike W. Mike W. modified ticket #24

    Assert failure when "trying to encode undefined Unicode character"

  • Mike W. Mike W. modified ticket #26

    GUI problem

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on ticket #26

    Hi flip101, Re GUI problems : Maximizing the GUI wouldn't have helped in this situation. gSpiceUI is essentially a MDI so it's not really intended to be maximized. There was a bug in the code so that the minimum size of the GUI was greater than it should have been. Now fixed. Console section too narrow was a bug. Now fixed. "Interface not welcoming" initially surprised me but I've had a think about it and I think I see where you are coming from. I plan to write a quick start guide and hopefully that...

  • Mike W. Mike W. modified ticket #27

    Console view stuck at unusably small width; possible fix included

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on ticket #27

    Yes, that's definitely a bug. Fixed in the current code base. Thank's for your contribution.

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r312]

    Added class PrcKst to support Kst waveform viewer utility

  • Mike W. Mike W. posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I've applied your patch to the current code base. Had to do it by hand because too much time had passed (my fault) but it's in the code base now. Unfortunately I'm unable to fully test it fully because I can't install Kst on my Archlinux system. The install breaks for some reason. It'll get tested in the fullness of time no doubt. Thanks for your contribution. Regards Mike Waters

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r311]

    Completed implementation of PDF viewer functionality

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r310]

    More work on introduction of PDF viewer and sundry updates

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r309]

    Rename class HelpTasks to FrmHtmlVwr

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r308]

    Restructing of help tasks in class FrmMain

  • Mike W. Mike W. committed [r307]

    Added class PrcPdfVwr and Help menu items to display simulation engine PDF documentation

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