
Gnome Portable Application Description / News: Recent posts

gsoftpad 1.5 Released

PAD stands for Portable Application Description. PAD is an XML-based open format to describe downloadable applications.It is our preferred method for submitting our software to download sites. If you maintain a software catalog, such as a download site, and want to include our software, please use these PAD files. To keep the contents on your site current, poll these files regularly.

By using the PAD system, developers save time by having to create a description of their software packages only once. This description can then be uploaded quickly to all sites that support PAD. Webmasters can process these PAD files and extract the data appropriate for their site. They can keep the contents of their site current by polling PAD files on the web sites of the authors of the software they list.... read more

Posted by Steeve Beaudin 2003-02-10