
Ctrl+S strange behaviour

  • JLsB

    JLsB - 2007-08-16

    Hello Geoffrey and everyone else!
    I work a lot with Gsculpt and I've ran into a strange behaviour that I couldn't explain:
    On my computer, no matter what keyboard configuration am in, [ctrl+S] doesn't save the current file!

    gSculpt doesn't even bother insulting me in the console or warning me that it is going to replace the previous version  or whatnot.
    Nothing happens(which I took several times for the sign that everything was saved) and I had switched off the software and tried to come back to my files later several times and I admit it I have shouted really non polite words:-)

    Normally when I work in gSculpt, I create a mesh and save it directly. I was an early adopter so I'm coming from the periode when it wasn't as stable as it is now ;-) However it is infuriating when after 45 mn of work, the only thing that remains is the same plain base mesh you started with 45 mn ago.

    Apart from that, terrific software and I'll have to see what I can do to help you with the documentation and example files

    • Geoffrey French

      Geoffrey French - 2007-08-17

      Errm, sorry about this.

      Okay, a Ctrl+S shortcut is something that I must implement.

      I think that when you use 'Save As' it warns you if it will overwrite an existing file.
      It doesn't if you just use save; it overwrites the exiting project file.

      Did it not warn you about unsaved work when you tried to quit?

      (or am I not understanding something?)



    • JLsB

      JLsB - 2007-08-19

      Hello Geoffrey,
      The warning is there indeed when I use "Save As" but with [ctrl+S] I could close the interface without a single message about unsaved data. To add to the mystery this only happen on my computer Box.
      On my laptop if I try to close gSculpt without saving I have the good old message warning. The same happens when I'm on Linux. So I've given up on this one and chalked it to me messing with ZindoZ too much :-)

      The Box specs:
      gSculpt alpha
      Windows XP Pro SP2

      However as said in the first post, after noticing the problem I now use the menu as a workaround since you are now aware of the [ctrl+S]problem.


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